This site was created to further the teachings of the Master Kuthumi as channelled by Ruth A. Craig. Understand that while precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of those who do the work, there is always some risk. If you choose to do this work, your life will change. How it changes is up to you. If you have questions or comments simply use the e-mail link at the bottom of any page.

New England Workshop Classes are under way! Ruth is in the Boston area through July 18th, 2002. Limited class openings may still be available. Click Here for class schedules and contact information
New students always have alot of questions. Sharon is no exception. In a special phone interview, Sharon asks Kuthumi some of the same questions you may have about the work. Click Here to access it.
News Flash! Ruth is now conducting Friday Night Classes via telephone every other Friday evening in the Seattle area. These Sessions are open to the public (That means you!) and darn cheap. It's a great way to introduce yourself to the work. If you're interested in attending Click Here and we'll send you the contact information.

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